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Section 4: Application

Application of Scorpion XO2


Scorpion can be applied to a number of substrates including wood, metals, fiberglass, concrete and more.  Other than wood, every surface needs to be scuffed in order to assure proper adherence.  For this training we will be referring to painted surface preparation. 

Use the red cup brush attached to the variable speed polisher and glide it over the painted surface.  You don’t need to remove the paint.  You simply want to scratch the clear coat.  This allows areas for the 8001 Adhesion Promoter to bite into and get a solid grip.  You will want to scuff all areas including transition points.  For areas that you cannot reach with a cup brush, use 3M Imperial Sanding Discs.

You do not need to scuff a painted surface down to bare metal.  You only need to put scratches in the clear coat.  Our adhesion promoter is designed to adhere to scuffed painted surfaces, not bare metal.