Online Training Module

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Section 6: Techniques



When attempting to spray a loose texture pass, you need to spray XO2 at a lower pressure.  This is accomplished by spraying at 25-30 PSI.  Stand outside the box or outside the spray area and on the opposite side.  Pull back the trigger and apply the texture pass.  How much material you spray and how quickly you move the spray pattern over a surface will also affect this texture. 

When sprayed at these pressures, the material exits the gun in larger droplets.  These drops are heavy and will begin to flatten out when they hit the surface.  The material is sprayed out in an irregular pattern giving the surface a "lumpy" or "cottage cheese" texture. 

With a little practice, you will master the loose texture application.

NOTE: You may want to mix up a small or micro batch of material and practice on a piece of wood or cardboard to get the hang of applications and texture passes.