The Water Cooler 

Water cooler jokes are numerous. 

Water coolers are dreaded by bosses and owners because they are distracting.  I would advocate that good out weighs the bad.  


The Good….team building and sense of community.  This is bonding time for the team to have open and light hearted discussions.


Meet at the water cooler and have a conversation about sports, food, activities, and the latest developments from our families.  Our water cooler conversations can be heated and passionate.  

XO2 Texture- Usually, Sonny brings up this topic.   He hates to admit, but the truth is that Beau is the King of XO2 texture at Scorpion HQ.

BBQ- With an amateur “pit master” on staff and everyone has a taste for some BBQ.  

Football- College Football passion runs deep in the Scorpion office.  Several past players and a former Big10 Coach on staff, we have heated discussions.  

Wrestling- Again, we have several past wrestlers and coaches on staff.  Luckily, we are all old enough that pick-up matches don’t break out in the lobby….Just heated discussions.  

Golf – Our golf discussion typically centers around which Scorpion Team members will be playing in the next Chamber of Commerce outing or charity event.  

Politics- That is all I have to say about that!


The Sales Team at Scorpion just finished up a sales training course and the water cooler was even mentioned in the sales training.  It is bad!  How can a device that distributes crystal clean pure water be a bad thing……  It leads to wasted time.  


Office politics and dynamics are a fascinating topic. There are hundreds of books written about this topic.   Like most offices, we have our usual cast of characters.  I do not believe that we are entertaining enough to have a reality show based off of our daily lives here at Scorpion HQ, but we do have a damn good time.   


In my estimation, we solve a lot of problems around the water cooler.   Some good for the company……some, well not so productive.  But it does generate camaraderie.   In the end, the team is better for being a close knit crew.  

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