Windshield Treatment with Hydrophobic Coatings

Keeping the windshield clean can be a mundane task for vehicle owners, especially those driving in areas with lots of rain, dirty roads and busy highways. As car owners search for effective ways to minimize window cleaning, hydrophobic coatings have become increasingly popular. If you’re hearing about these coatings just now, we are happy to give you the low-down so …

Hydrophobic Coating for Windshield

No matter the weather, anything and everything is constantly attacking your car’s windshield. Unsightly dust, mud, water spots, dirty rain, grime, tree gum, and bird droppings all start sticking to the windshield almost immediately after cleaning it.   Under all these circumstances, you need a reliable windshield for your vehicle whenever you are on the road. While windshield wipers do …

Hydrophobic Coatings

Protection is the name of the game since its build resists abrasion, corrosion, and temperature while at the same time allowing the coating to offer a high-tech level of gloss. This coating prevents the metal from coming into contact with water and oxygen, the two elements that could easily cause bare metal to oxidize.   These coatings have been tested …