Scorpion Body Liner—The Best Way to Protect Your Investment

Why Protect Your Vehicle Your truck is part of your life and a great investment that you should take good care of to continue benefiting from it. Without protection, the only way to protect your truck is never to use it and keep it from tough external elements, including the sun, snow, dirt, bird droppings, etc. Ideally, anything you haul …

Special Coating Formulations

More Than Truck Bed Coatings   Scorpion’s XO2 is versatile.  That is an understatement.  As a truck bed liner that is easy to apply, affordable, and top quality, it is natural that we would find other uses for it.  Those uses are numerous.   Now with all the good qualities that were mentioned above, what else can we do with …

Still Standing

Flex Your Muscle! I think it is a good time for automotive shops to be proud.  Stand up, take a bow, flex your muscle! With all the misery that has been thrown at us over the last year and a half, non-essential things are looked at a little differently.  While we all love our vehicles, it is non-essential and some …

Do Truck Owners Really Need a Bed Liner? 

Looking for some info on whether or not to invest in a #TruckBedLiner? Check out some of the reasons why getting the right bed liner is crucial for truck owners and contact Scorpion Coatings for top quality truck bed lining options.

Your Business Roadmap

[et_pb_section bb_built=”1″][et_pb_row][et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text] Road Map to Success and Sustainability   Hatch the idea Lay the plan Action Success and failure Did you stick to your roadmap?  How many curves did you encounter at the start of the path?  Funny how the path starts out with a bright shiny penny at the end, but very often there are curves, turns, 360’s, …


I always try to be a good neighbor…… just like the State Farm commercials.   Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there.  These duties have found me many times doing odd jobs to help out the people of a certain age that live nearby in my neighborhood.  Typically, it will be yard work.  Sometime a gutter needs cleaned or …

The Jeep Wave

The Jeep Wave Everyone has noticed how Jeep drivers will throw a wave at someone else driving a Jeep.  It is a club, and you have to be driving a Jeep Wrangler to be in the club. I am now 5 years removed from being a Jeep owner…..and I miss it every day.  It happens to me at least once …

Paint Your Automobile, The DIY’er

How to Repaint Your Car   Prepping. Stripping. Priming. Lacquering. Any automotive professional will tell you that repainting a car is far from painting your bedroom. Each job requires a different process, set of tools, paint saturation, luminance, hue, and sparkle. And this is what makes professional auto repaint jobs pricey.   However, if you are looking to do it …