Picking a SEMA Vehicle

What vehicle to take? Most car enthusiast, love the month leading up to the SEMA Show.  Car and truck builders hat the month leading up to the SEMA Show.  Enthusiast love it because they can’t wait to get to Las Vegas and see what these builders have created.  Builders hate it because they are trying to finish the SEMA projects …


I always try to be a good neighbor…… just like the State Farm commercials.   Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there.  These duties have found me many times doing odd jobs to help out the people of a certain age that live nearby in my neighborhood.  Typically, it will be yard work.  Sometime a gutter needs cleaned or …

Ceramic Coating Truths

What do Ceramic Coatings Offer Truth versus Myths   The amount of things in our environment that will damage the paint on your vehicle is large.  From natural weather factors to environmental factors, all these things work against your in keeping your car or truck looking new and fresh.   Let’s start with the weather.  Ice and snow means there is …

Keep the Right Frame of Mind During COVID-19

Who else likes a Sunday Drive?  Open road, YES… we love our vehicles.  We have talked about that many times before.  If we didn’t love our rides, then the automotive industry would not be a multi-billion dollar market.     I always come back to what a vehicle means.  In my opinion, it can be summed up in one word….and that …

Staying the Course

Living in Uncertain Times   We are seeing things most have never seen before in our lifetime.  Unless you have a considerable number of years under your belt, this is a first.  In my lifetime, I remember 9/11 like it was yesterday. I can remember tuning in time to see the second play strike the tower.  It was unclear to …

Paint Your Automobile, The DIY’er

How to Repaint Your Car   Prepping. Stripping. Priming. Lacquering. Any automotive professional will tell you that repainting a car is far from painting your bedroom. Each job requires a different process, set of tools, paint saturation, luminance, hue, and sparkle. And this is what makes professional auto repaint jobs pricey.   However, if you are looking to do it …