Getting to know polyurea spray equipment and how it’s used to apply protective coatings to surfaces might seem a little daunting at first, but don’t worry; we have a bit of information to help bring you up to speed.

Two kinds of sprayed-polyurea coatings are available for application to many different kinds of roughly treated surfaces. These two kinds of polyurea coatings can be easily defined by the process used to apply them. Namely, heated application and cold application.

Heated Spray-Polyurea Application

Heated polyurea coatings consist of two components, heated to between 140 and 170 degrees Fahrenheit. The two chemicals are then delivered at high pressure with separate pumps through heated hoses. These are mixed at the nozzle as they are applied with a specialized spray gun. Unlike paints, these coatings require very little time to dry and the coated surface can be put back into use almost immediately.

There are, however, some downsides to using this specialized heating equipment-  extensive in-depth training and costly equipment investment to name just a couple.

Cold Spray-Polyurea Application

By comparison, unheated polyurea coatings are so much easier for a competent person to use in business, as they require no laborious or extensive training to produce highly proficient results. Additionally, minimal and less-expensive polyurea spray equipment and materials are used for a professional application and can be sustained with little effort or expense.

Although drying times are a bit longer with cold-sprayed polyurea applications, the same quality and resistance to rough treatment are equal to their heated counterpart.  In addition, cold sprayed-polyurea, such as X02, offers more variety in the choice of colors and textures to the end-users vs. heated spray-polyurea. These custom variations give the small business owner more opportunities to serve clients as they desire for their particular polyurea applications.

*To combat longer drying times, make sure to apply X02 in a warm environment, and if that’s not possible, you can purchase X02 accelerator – a liquid additive designed to speed up the curing process.

We Have A Winner

Both the heated and unheated spray-polyurea coatings do an amazing job of protecting surfaces. However, the winner in this battle between the two different spray-polyurea processes goes to the cold spray-polyurea application, hands down.

Low barrier to entry in terms of initial investment, combined with less technical application training gives a small business owner the competitive edge. Providing a variety of protective coatings also means more choices for the consumer, which increases the odds of success.

If you’re in business already and wish to expand into an additional market or wish to start a new business venture, we’d like a chance to show you the opportunities available in offering professional cold spray-polyurea applications to your customers. Contact us and we’ll be happy to answer any questions you may have.

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